About Bowen Therapy
The Bowen technique is a gentle form of bodywork where subtle moves are performed over muscles, ligaments and connective tissue, sending messages deep into the body. It is a powerful, non-invasive, and gentle form of healing, where I perform most moves over light clothing.
After an initial consultation, it is no surprise that when a new client comes to me with a particular health problem, they quickly experience improvements elsewhere in their body, e.g. a frozen shoulder that becomes free or an asthmatic who finds it easier to breathe.
A wide range of conditions can be treated highly effectively using Bowen:
Back/ neck problems
RSI, Carpel Tunnel
Accident and sports injuries
Women’s issues
Problems with posture and body alignment
Respiratory/Bronchial issues/Hay fever/Asthma
Pregnancy and postpartum issues
consultation & TREATMENT
Adult: $80
Primary school 1-10yrs: $55
Newborn: $40
Pregnancy (minis): $55
Adult (minis): $55
Pregnancy and newborn care
The Bowen Technique is highly effective during pre-conception, pregnancy, labour, newborn and postpartum. Regular Bowen treatments can quickly and effectively assist and correct imbalances or discomfort.
Bowen can assist with:
Pelvic/ spinal dysfunction
Morning sickness and nausea
Breast discomfort
Headaches and depression
Back pain/ sciatica / pelvic pressure
HBP/ odema
Malposition/ presentation
Birth traumas ie. C-section/ forceps/ vontouse
Colic/ unsettled baby